Authors on Social Media | Top Ten Tuesday

I follow around 270 people on twitter; mostly authors, science people, book blogs, some celebrities and not to forget the amazing animal videos accounts.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

Maggie Stiefvater is the queen of everything in life

  • Author of The raven cycle, Call down the hawk, The scorpio races and just generally see the life through a magical lense and a love for her car
  • Recently deleted her tumblr and I understand but am still in mourning. By recently it was july.

Alice Oseman

Jonny Sun

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Vlogbrothers even before authors; Hank & John Green

I’m following the Green brothers on all social media, so I’m not even going to link anything. I’m currently listening to Hank Green’s podcast “Delete This” with his wife Katherine literally about how he uses twitter. They’ve been on social media long enough to reflect on how they share their thoughts as creators across different types of media.

Maureen Johnson

It took a while from reading Maureen Johnson’s books as a teen to connecting her to the same person as the Maureen that was friends with Hank & John Green and occassionally joined in on videos. She’s been here a while, she knows her stuff and is really interesting.

Hope Jahren

She’s the author of one of my all-time favourite books, Lab Girl! It’s part memoir even as a science book and her twitter really continues those small insights into her daily life and thoughts. I wouldn’t have known so quickly about her new release, coming in march; The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here without her having a twitter presence and promoting it. She also lives in the same country as me, Norway, and really gets the culture:

Neil Gaiman

  • Author of Norse mythology, Coraline, American gods, The graveyard book, etc etc.
  • Twitter
  • The best parts of Neil Gaiman on twitter is what Amanda Palmer posts.

As a honorable mention, I’m going to just throw out there that I really dislike how Jay Kristoff uses social media in particular. For someone who easily block people and don’t want to be annoyed at stupid things aka don’t usually catch up on book twitter drama, he’s a good example of an author that just needs to think more about what the fuck he’s doing on social media. Have some impulse control.

Auto-Buy Authors | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

Brandon Sanderson: with the amount of books this guy publishes every year I have yet to catch up (Elantris is the next book of his on my shelf) – but I’ll get there! It doesn’t really matter what genre Sanderson writes, because even though I love the high fantasy, his sci-fi-ish Legion series was an interesting read as well. Hopefully the YA books is as good!

Patrick Rothfuss: my favourite fantasy author, even though he’s so different from Sanderson. Having him on this list might seem as a bit of a joke as the third book in the Kingkiller Chronicles has taken a long time, but I think I’ve read everything else from Rothfuss and would continue to – his picture books not for children are fantastic!

Philip Pullman: I read & really fell in love with Lyra and His Dark Materials series when I was a kid Lyra’s age. And then I reread it half a year ago and fell in love even more. The fourth book La Belle Sauvage (The Book of Dust) proved that I don’t care how many books that continues to be published in this series if they’re all this high quality writing.

Maureen Johnson: Has always seemed like a great, fun, quirky person and Truly Devious is one of my fav YA series, especially as I love mystery.

Nina LaCour: Every queer girl & f/f romance is a delight of a bonus along with amazing writing and story-building in books that are so unique and different from each other, like We Are Okay and Everything Leads to You.

Having watched vlogbrothers for so many years, not to mention scishow and crash course and Dear Hank & John, The Anthropocene Reviewed and Delete This, it should be obvious that I’ll consume any great content from these guys.

Hank Green: he writes with a basis of the knowledge and experiences he has, which makes anything he produces so one of a kind. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing went way above my expectations, which was already set pretty high.

John Green: Paper Towns is my least favorite, but still good, and The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska is battling being my favourite. His newest book Turtles All the Way Down blew my mind as well, showing how he continues to get better at writing and telling difficult stories in an masterful way.

Alice Oseman: it’s obvious when an YA author knows how it is to be a teen or young adult nowadays and I wasn’t surprised when I saw that Solitaire and Radio Silence was written by someone who went through high school and college at the same time. Everything Oseman writes is so true to life, as well as describe difficult and important worse aspects of culture like the fans of I Was Born for This.

Holly Black: Everything she touches I seem to fall in love with. That’s it. She’s in my eyes the best at producing entertaining and not too similiar fae and fairy stories, so here’s both quantity and quality. The one exception is how much I didn’t like the sequel to the Cruel Prince, the Wicked King.

Just a year ago I feel like I would’ve had completely different people on this list. Each photo I picked is my favourite book by the author! Do you have any other books as favourites? Link your list of auto-buy authors below!

Summer 2019 TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

My Summer TBR doesn’t have a lot of summer books this year? So I’m going to write another post with summer recommendations to give you all the fun & warm vibes of it, and not the university-preparing, trying-to-get-better-at-writing, learn-to-cook reality that this TBR turned out to be, haha! Some of the science books, like “physics of the impossible” and “alex’s adventures in numberland” was recommended by physics youtuber Simon Clark (here’s the link to the other books he recommended as well!)

Science books

A brief history of time by Stephen Hawking

  • Yes, I’ve read other books by Hawking like “The grand design“, no I’ve never gotten to read this one. Why? Don’t know, it’s a disgrace that I have to change quickly.

The body in pain by Elaine Scarry

Alex’s adventures in numberland by Alex Bellos

Physics of the impossible by Michio Kaku

Six not so easy pieces by Richard Feynman

  • I read and absolutely loved how “Six easy pieces” (review here), the easier first book of this type, explained concepts and hoping to watch a lot of Feynman’s lectures this summer as well.


Frida’s fiesta by Marie-Pierre Colle andย Guadalupe Rivera

  • Guadalupe Rivera was Diego Rivera’s daughter and because of that has a close connection to Frida Kahlo, so I’m so excited to see what kind of cookbook this is.

Salt fat acid heat by Samin Nosrat

  • Ilustrated cookbook! I need it! Also heard a lot of great things about it and Nosrat seems like a person that knows her stuff when I heard from her at the Reply All podcast, hosting another very limited podcast. Ah I love how much effort went into that joke and episode.
  • It’s also a Netflix show by the same/similar name, which I have yet to watch.
  • I love how Nosrat love salt. That speaks to my heart. I’ve read a couple pages of this book, all of the different types of salt there are, beautifully illustrated. SALT! Ok, let’s move on now –


The vanishing stair by Maureen Johnson

  • The sequel to Truly Devious (review here), which I loved.
  • A part of my 5 star predictions post, so I’ll have to read it to find out, don’t I?

The serpent king by Jeff Zentner

  • Another of the 5 star predictions post


A poetry handbook by Mary Oliver

  • I don’t write poetry. I’m going to read it anyway, she’s my fav poet and I’ve got a feeling it could help me write and compose stories in general.

On writing by Stephen King

  • Here’s a secret – I’ve never read a Stephen King book. I don’t know why! I have no explanation. I started reading this one more than a year ago and found the perspective very helpful, but I didn’t have time for doing the writing practices he proposes so I’ll go back now this summer when I have time to really delve into it and commit.

Probably Unpopular Opinion TTT

This week’s top ten tuesday theme, which I usually follow, with unpopular bookish opinions sucks. And I’m writing a small quick notice because I don’t want to direct it at any single blog participating.

1) either it’s not actually unpopular and you know it or 2) you’ve just collected all of ten dislikes in one post which just comes off as a bundle of hate no matter if you felt strongly about one or all of them and then 3) all the comments are like “yes I hate this too!!!” or “well, actually …”

It’s like Twitter in here. I like when people give their honest opinion of x author or book or bookish dislike, but this just gave me a weird bad feeling.

In other more personal news; I should’ve had my completely final exam in two days, but the school fucked up and had to postpone it and I get no news of when. Those book reviews I promised are going to take a while, is what I’m saying

Favourite Fantasy Books | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

I didn’t do the Top Ten Tuesday last week, so I’m switching out this week’s topic for that one. They’re not in any order, because that’s too much of a burden.


Graceling by Kristin Cashore is a book I read I was a kid and fell in love with. It really shows nuances and someone being strong, but also doubting themselves. The main character Katsa goes through a lot of shit, she’s abused by her king uncle and made into a killer, but she has such a conscience and urge to protect people. Also the world, with it being visible through discolored eyes who has magical abilities, made for a really interesting setting.

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black, where Black is the ultimate author on fairy/fae fantasy and incorporating different creatures with modern people and culture.


Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is a underdog story with thrilling heists by a diverse & amazing team that become like family to each other. The kick-ass deadly Inej and the ruthless team-leader Kaz gives this story its own feeling, along with a great plot.

The Golden Compass and His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman is becoming a classic with its great coming-of-age story with a kickass girl named Lyra in a world where humans have an animal attached to them.

The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson is the gateway drug into Brandon Sanderson’s books, with plotline and characters that will blow you away, but also approchable, easy writing to follow and a young adult vibe. Sanderson is the fantasy authors I’m not afraid to overhype.

Moon Called and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs is the best urban fantasy I’ve read. Awesome female characters is apparently my type here.

His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik is filled with dragons from around the world and dragon-trainers. Novik had another bestseller “Uprooted”, but this was the first book I read from her and it’s just everything you expect fantasy to have and does it soo well. DRAGONS FIGHTS HUMAN’S WARS!!!

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman because I can’t really put the edda on this list, can i? I love Gaiman’s style of writing, but I don’t always match with his stories, or rather plots. I do love (and know pretty well) norse mythology and this retelling was really magical.


The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss is my favourite books ever. It just is. I feel like people love or hate these books based on how much they like the main character especially, but there’s just so great writing that really speaks to me and I can reread it so many times and still discover new tidbits with foreshadowing and secrets.

Words of radiance and the rest of the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson is yet my favourite book and series by Sanderson, it just blew all my expectations away and every expectation of what epic fantasy is in general.

Favorite Books From the Last 10 Years | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

Let’s start at the beginning! I take my time and read books many years after they’re published instead of a lot of newly released ones, thinking that books that continue to be discussed are often the really good ones and that longevity is one of the best sides of books. Also here’s the obligatory comment that I can’t believe 2009 was ten years ago.

2010 & 2011

The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking

The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2) by Patrick Rothfuss

  • It’s just the best two book ever (which is a highly divisive opinion, as it seems to be a book readers either love or hate)
  • I really need to reread these books for the 5/6/7 time and write a review, haha

2012 & 2013

A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver

  • The collection that made me discover Mary Oliver, my all time favourite poet, and honestly also got me into poetry

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

  • Along with The Secret History by Tartt, it’s just so strange and great, with so many different type of stories in one

2014 & 2015

Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive #2) by Brandon Sanderson

  • Possibly best ever overall epic fantasy author, I’ve never actually seen someone hate Sanderson’s writing or books

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

  • I loved this darker YA fantasy with a friendgroup creating their own family, heists and the darker main character that is Kaz Brekker

2016 & 2017

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman

  • The new book placed prior to The Golden Compass and His Dark Materials series, released so many years later. It wasn’t quite the same style, but also really didn’t disappoint!

2018 & 2019

I haven’t been reading too many 2019 releases yet, as I just haven’t been reading as much as I use to this year (hopefully, I’ll have time to catch up during the summer)

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

The Truth About Keeping Secrets by Savannah Brown

Great Book Quotes | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

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A thousand mornings by Mary Oliver


Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman

The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Born a crime by Trevor Noah

The cruel prince by Holly Black

The secret history by Donna Tartt

Kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami

A thousand mornings by Mary Oliver

First Book Reviews | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

This was a challenging prompt, because I really wanted to look at the first reviews I ever published online, back before 2015. I went digging through my goodreads, before I realized – I wasn’t actively reviewing on goodreads for quite some time. I was on a norwegian bookreview site- and so I finally found the password. I’ve been on this site for seven years, was the first thing it told me, last updated four years ago. I’ve read a couple hundred more YA books that I haven’t registered on goodreads, woow.

First books I ever rated

2012 (13 years old): 6/6 stars. I really liked The hunger games, the books were so much better than the movies. Also gave The thief lord by Cornelia Funke the same rating, but I’m not quite sure if I remember any of the plot.

First book reviews posted online:

Throne of glass by Sarah J. Maas

2015: 5/5 stars

I love how I enjoy books just to enjoy it when rereading them, since the elements of suprise is mostly gone.

“What are you doing here? It’s almost midnight, and I’ve got a Test tomorrow” I find this sentence so amusing. It’s something that could have come out of the mouth of one of my friends, not the famous 18 years old assassin. “She couldn’t deny having him here was a bit of relief- the murderer ony seemed to attack Champions when they were alone.” Okay, maybe not completely normal. The test, with campital t, she talks about is a possibly deadly fight to become the tyrant of a kings Champion and gain her freedom. Not the usual school type, even if they’re horrible too. However these two sentences kind of shows Celaena as a person and what the bok is about. She’s sweet and normal one second and plotting peoples murders the other. Not that I don’t do it too, but perhaps not as bloodthirsty or serious. All in all, I like her. She’s not jus an assassin, and it gets shown in a great way, even if I look forward to seeing her kick some more ass in the future. In spite of her jokes, girlyness and assassin-ness she’s both physically and emotionally destroyed at the beginning and barely hanging in there. She was taken right out of a labour/death camp after all… can’t say I blame her. 

The only thing I’m a little bit annoyed of is that the book and Celaena are promoted as very much assassin and battle and weapons, and even if there are a lot of that in there, the softer, more girly side and the whole mystery things should be worth mentioning. OUTSIDE OF ROMANCE. 
Will her assassin’s heart be melted? What the fuck is that? She’s already melted, and kind of in the middle of something trying to stay and act sane and figuring out this magic-mystery-stuff. It’s mostly the boys hearts that get melted and crushed and all wobbly anyway. It’s like they don’t have anything else to do. 

Why not write about the crown-prince wanting adventure and the captain of the guard who finds his heart and laughter? That would be something, but no. Well, well, I guess we’re just not there yet.

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

2015: 1/5 stars

How do people like this book? I’ve started out wanting to like the book and even then it turned so awful so quickly.

All fall down by Ally Carter

2015: 5/5 stars

I really liked this book! It had both ups and downs, but overall a great book with a lot of action, likeable and mysterious characters and a lot of great twists.

The plot gets a slow applause from me. A girl who no one believe when she says someone killed her mother? Brilliant. Living at a embassy? Why have I never thought of this before. Spying? Looove. The characters? Mixed feelings. The revealing of all the secrets? Ehh. Halfway into the book I could imagine the ending, but I was only halfway right. Maybe it’s because I feel like I’ve read these kind of novels before, but I wasn’t that suprised. I was more excited about what’s coming next. 

Sometimes the writing seemed kind of messy because suddenly a lot happened in a short amount of time. It happens a few times, especially at the end. I think that could have been done in a better way, but it was okay. I’ve read worse. I just had to lay the book down for a bit before trying to figure out what was really going on. I’m relieved the whole book wasn’t like that because it’s basically written to confuse and throw you off. 

โ€œKeep your chin up. Eventually, you will meet someone who cares about your opinion. I’m so sorry I’m not her.โ€
โ€• Grace

That quote is basically Grace. I love Ally Carter’s previous characters, and Grace is no exception. She’s a sarcastic, brave, spontanious, witty, creative and paranoid person. Really, she jumps off brick walls into different countries. What is there not to like? Most of all she is something I hadn’t expected: troubled. It’s a nice change and really makes sense after a while. First I thought she got panick attacks, which she does in a way, but it’s more like flashbacks. It can be a bit confusing, but makes the story more mysterious and real. Something I miss is the relationship between the characters. There are so much potential there. COME ON, they’re embassy kids. From all over the world, all different kids stuck in the same situation. But you really don’t get to hear a lot from them. Mostly because Grace is stuck in her own head, which I can understand, but I would really like to know more abut the others. I feel like they don’t get enough time and it becomes something weird. Like ghosts who follows her, but only because they’re bored.

I don’t know what to think about Noah and Grace. The russian boy I’ve already forgotten the name of. The group doesn’t really work, even though I really wanted it to. There are also a few very cheesy things, like the fine line between peace and war. I get the idea, but the conversations with her grandfather is just too much. Sometimes these things made me want to cover my eyes, but I got through it, fortunately.
I felt a little old for this book, but I know I would have thought of it as a favourite a few years ago. Anyway it was a great read and I can’t wait for the next one! 

Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead

2016: 4/5 stars

I really liked Succubus Blues. Itโ€™s an amazing and exciting easy-read. I really had my hopes up too because I usually love Richelle Meadโ€™s books. This one didnโ€™t disappoint! Not at all, in fact it wasnโ€™t the sobby no-one-will-ever-love-me story I was afraid of.

Georgina Kincaid is an amazing heroine, an unusual, but welcoming mix of human and immortal succubus. Her personality seems almost split at moments, but it gives a good balance to the story. Sheโ€™s working at a bookstore like a normal mortal who loves books and dancing, but also surviving by feeding on peopleโ€™s life energy during sex. Something that makes being with people she likes a lot more complicated. Her group of friends (both mortal and immortal) is also awesome and so is the idea of several love interests. Itโ€™s a notch up from the usual love triangle. Everyone seems to fall for her succubusโ€™ charm. Georgina actually reminds me of a mix between Rose (Vampire Academy) and Sage (Bloodlines). She has Rose kick-ass moments, one-liners and sexiness, but also Sageโ€™s smart mind and more calm personality. 

My favorite of the love interests is of course Seth. Heโ€™s her favorite author, but she accidently makes herself look like a fool in front of him at their first meeting. From thereโ€™s a lot of shyness, romantic emails and drama. There are also others like Ronan, her older boss and a bunch more. But what else could you expect from someone who has lived through millennia?

The characters are for me what makes this book stand out. But the plot is interesting enough too: someone is killing off immortals. Both heaven and hell is involved in the investigation and so is Georgina. She sees it as her mission to find out who and what it is, knowing no one is safe until she does. It might sound very mystery/crime โ€“ like, but it really isnโ€™t. Thereโ€™s too much going on to have time for that kind of thing. Even if itโ€™s a big part of the plot itโ€™s not necessary the focus. 

I would categorize this as a paranormal/urban fantasy book. But the lack of world building and vampires who donโ€™t seem to drink blood bothers me a little. That’s also why it gets 4 stars and not 5. A world where supernatural creatures live side by side and we donโ€™t see anything from it other than their little group? Itโ€™s a wonderful group, donโ€™t get me wrong, but I expect some โ€œbigger pictureโ€ to come up in the next books. Higher/more powerful demons get mentioned, but not anything more. On the other side the ending hints about learning more about Georgina and her world. I really canโ€™t wait for the next 5 (!) books. 

Legend by Marie Lu

2016: 5/5 stars

Legend was everything I hoped! And much more. I love it. It’s fabulously amazing with sparkle on top. Ok, maybe that’s a bit too much.
I seriously don’t know what this book has done to me, my brain is simply destroyed. And I who thought “what is all this fuss about?” when i started reading it… I had no idea.

Prodigy by Marie Lu

2016: 4/5 stars

I like it, but I felt like something was missing. There were also a few things that bothered me. Other than that, a great book and I really like June

The sea of tranquility by Katja Millay

2016: 5/5 stars

I loved this book. It meant so much to me. Of course there are some things that doesn’t really make sense to me, like everyone having a form of art that they excell in (basically just are the best in what the do). You can do several arts and be average in all of them, it doesnโ€™t mean that you’re a worse person or not fitting for a book. Also the ending kind of ruined it a bit for me, the idea that everything had to come together to this almost normal-nice life for the main character Sunshine (dunno what to call her??). Just a little bit too intricate, it disappointed me. But other than that; WOW. I don’t know how to describe it. I struggled so much this week with hospital tests coming back after kind of giving up on them finding anything and then it being spmething other and worse than expected. You know that mix of hope, relief and grief? That’s what I felt and itโ€™s all over this book too. Also books including piano is always a plus. 5 stars with a hint of doubt because of the ending.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

2015: 5/5 stars

I LOVE IT – really not that much more to say. I just didn’t want it to end and when it did i actually walked around with it for the rest of the day. Just to keep the story with me I guess.

A cinderella cyberborg (part human part machine) named Cinder? And a mechanic? I love her. She’s perfect. Reminds me of Mercy Thompson (by Patricia Briggs), but that might be because she’s also a mechanic. I seem to have a thing for them. 

When I first heard of this book I wasn’t that optimistic because it sounded very sci-fi and all robots and no emotions, but it’s 
kind ofsci-fi with robots WITH emotions! Or programming faults that is. Iko is the best. She’s so cute for a robot. 

I don’t think this story could have been told much better. Absolutely the best cinderella version I have seen/read/heard ever. It’s so different. Cyborgs, robots, 
aliens, a plague and so much more. Extra point for being in Asia (New Beijing) and having a different kind of cinderella for once. And even if there are a lot of changes from the usual fairytale, you can still recognize the same elements. It still has a touch of magic. 

That said I have to add that I saw the plot twist long before it came. Like a few chapters in or something. It was pretty obvious, and it ruined it a little. However I’m still looking forward to reading the next book, Scarlet. Can’t wait to get back into this world. The book was just brilliant, kick-ass and adorable. I can’t get over it. And I’ve fallen head first for the prince. Never thought I would, but I did. 

Rainy Day Reads | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Reviews are linked (as always)!

I was born for this by Alice Oseman: a really dramatic end-scene with lots of rain. The plot is about a girl who meets up with an internet friend to go watch their favourite boyband perform and the amount of action in their lives just shoots up from that.

If we were villains by M. L. Rio: dark academia that is dramatic enough in itself that you need the heavy rain outside to match the vibe, especially as they perform theatre pieces in the rain.

The wicked deep by Shea Ernshaw: the main character live on an island, a bit away from the small-town where boys are murdered every summer and the town blames a curse thrown by witches

The name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss: my favourite fantasy, long enough to keep you occupied for a while, and with enough hidden things to reread too many times (I’m at 5+ definitely, but it’s been a while)

Upstream by Mary Oliver: essays by my favourite poet talking about nature

The book of dust, La belle sauvage by Philip Pullman: a big part of the plot is one great flood and the whole fantasy book is just great and dramatic and heartwarming

If you want to add tears to the raindrops:

Lord of the butterflies by Andrea Gibson: a poetry collection, with stories told so intensely, a mix of sweet with stories of queer love, of incredibly traimatic events (dealing with suicidal and loss), of hopelessness and hope as well.

When breath becomes air by Paul Kalanithi: a memoir of a real neurosurgeon after he’s diagnosed with cancer. It’s an unforgettable story with wisdom, life perspectives, struggles, love and uncertainties.

What Makes Me Pick Up A Book? | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl to bring bookish friends together. A new topic is posted each week.

Seeing book bloggers I have similar taste as recommend it!

This one explains itself. Every time I see a good review, even if it’s a book on my TBR already, it’s bumped up a lot of places. I have to pick up “never let me go” Kazuo Ishiguro soon because of it, I think I’ve promised so many I would, haha.

“Strong” female protagonists (that know how to fight)

Know how to fight is mostly within the fantasy genre, but I guess in general as well. It’s my weakness for immediately getting new favourite characters – Inej Ghafa of “Six of Crows” immediately comes to mind.

Mermaids! Or Sirens!

I’ve yet to read a book about mermaids/sirens/sea creatures that I immediately fell in love with. I have some recommendations left to read, but I would love more!

WLW couples

I mean – lesbians/bi characters in general. I started reading more queer books a couple years ago, but realized that the books I liked mostly included gay men, with authors like Shaun David Hutchinson and Benjamin Alire Sรกenz. I’m going to sit down and compile a list of wlw books I’ve loved sometime, but Nina LaCour was really the first I read who did it so amazingly! The romances are great, the plots are exciting! Her books are everything

Based on fairytale & folklore

I’ve kind of given up on “fairytale retellings” because if it’s obvious enough which fairytale it’s based on when I pick up the book, it’s always boring. But books like “Uprooted” by Naomi Novik, I didn’t realize before after, and I loved it.

Norse mythology

This is more of a continuation of the last point, but I’ve grown up reading norse mythology stories (I’m from Norway, so it makes more sense) and it’s fantastic seeing how well and badly done retellings and inspiration can be. I mean – there’s a difference in quality between authors having read some of the poetic and prose Edda (where the real stories mainly are) and having seen Thor from the Marvel movies. Both are usually entertaining in different ways though, haha.

Small-town witches

Protagonists with other cultural backgrounds

That kind of includes everything else besides about american-based fantasy or young adult books as well. I read mainly in english, so I get that it’s a lot of that, but books based on other cultures are more attractive because I want to learn more about the world when I read.

Science themes!

Any book with a scientist or quantum in the title, to the point where it’s definitely a weakness. I was burned on “Dark matter” by Blake Crouch because it’s an entertaining book, but certainly with a deceptive title!!


I saw Siobhan mention disabilities right before I posted this and really felt I was missing that point. First off- I love characters having disabilities in books with other types of plot, already. Because it normalizes it so much. My problem has been that – as a person who’s grown up with physical illnesses and disabilities – I’ve run far away from the kind of books that is about disabilities. Which is bad, but I recently realized why – it’s the same reason I haven’t read many lgbt books before the last few years (not that it’s comparable, ohgodno). Every queer book I read wasn’t well-written, or comparable to my experience. NOW with #ownvoices authors I’ve really started to love queer books as someone who isn’t straight, because they’ve become so much better! I really want to read more books with disabilities as well, from authors that know how it’s like. Because with any theme that is intertwined with your own life as a reader, it’s so noticeable and, when I was a child honestly damaging, when it’s done badly. You know the whole “magically cured”, “she wasn’t sick all along”, “disability being their own fault in any way” kind of tropes. I really hope I can find authors and books that I can trust now! ๐Ÿ™‚