The Recommendations | Book Tag

I’ve been tagged by both Ally Writes Things, who made the tag, and Naty’s Bookshelf. Thank you!!


  • Tag Ally @ Ally Writes Things 
  • Give at least one recommendation for each of the prompts below
  • If you don’t have a recommendation, talk about a book you want to read
  • Tag your friends

A book about friendship

I always look for books about friendship, but somehow all the recommendations I have is heist related? That’s without including all the YA books with too-young characters having to bond because there’s no adults around, of course. Honestly I prefer found-family or platonic relationships to romantic ones in general in books.

But I think of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt as a story about friendship, as much as it has lonely elements as well. I guess also “The Secret History”. I need more not-gloomy-murder recommendations, is what I’m figuring out.

A translated book

Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. For once I’m standing by my first language and choosing a norwegian book. I know this book that’s a mix of children’s and philosophy is really well-known, but it’s kind of strange trying to get if people know of it elsewhere in the world. I grew up with the author’s book, but I really want to reread this and see how (or if) different I would understand it now. It’s philosophy made so accessible, even for someone who is forced to take a university philosophy course right now and hating it.

A diverse romance

I’m so bad at reading pure romance books without stopping half-way through. I just finished Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas and while it felt very middle-school and not young adult, it’s the queer romance between a Latino trans boy and a gay boy that I would’ve loved growing up.

A fast-paced book

I rarely remember the pace of a book unless it was horrible one way or another?? I think the sequel A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green had a fast pace in that the set-up of the first book (with strange giant robots that might be alien) needed a lot to tie up and it all managed to happen in this book, through multiple points of view and a group of friends collaborating by working on each of their part of the bigger problem.

A nonfiction (not memoir)

Naty’s Bookshelf mentioned The End of Everything by Katie Mack which I just read and very much agree with her take! It was such an experience reading, written with so much passion about astrophysics and the existential questions. In that way it does have a lot of perspective and personality from Mack and even though I am in university for physics, you don’t need any background to enjoy reading it. She goes briefly through the smaller things you need to follow the theories of how the world will end and what that means.

An underrated memoir

A truly underrated one is “A Woman in the Polar Night” by Christiane Ritter about a german upper-class (or at least comfortable) woman who in 1934 travels to the Arctic to spend a year there. It goes very quickly from “ah, a relaxing, but challenging trip” to “boredom and life & death”. Her writing is stunning as well and really delves into aspects of life that I’ve never had described to me this way, but rings as clear as the snow surrounding her for miles and miles.

A book with fewer than 10.000 ratings on Goodreads

Somehow the first I thought of was (Don’t You) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn, which was one of those books that was on my TBR for FIVE LONG YEARS with no idea of what it was about. It had such a powerful story of facing reality and dealing with it or continuing making the easy decision of running from it. As a story it’s also on the line between fantasy, magical realism and dystopia in a way I haven’t seen before, set in a “paradise” where no one ever get sick or seem to die. It’s currently at 2171 ratings.

A book with a LGTBQ+ protagonist

I just bought City of Strife by Claudie Arseneault in physical form as I loved it so much and wanted to reread it before reading the rest of this high fantasy series. It has several asexual characters, including the main character (who is also aromantic) and is written by an asexual and aromantic author. All the characters are queer; bisexual, demi, pan, poly, gender fluid, agender, as well as asexual and aromantic is all represented in an overall badass magical city. Really, this book should be underneath the ‘friends’ recommendation as well as I might have a big weakness for main characters who observes everything all the time as a thief or assassin, but also cares deeply for their friends. And the plot builds so naturally on the personalities and choices made by these characters, and the way their lives intertwines by living in the same city. This book just gave me a lovely, fun and exciting experience reading it with characters I squeal over, but also feel comforted by. Without sacrificing any of the heavyness or high fantasy elements usual to the genre.

A book by a trans or non-binary author

I’ve got so many books I want to read that fits here, so these are on my TBR (and hopefully I can get to them after exams):

Freshwater, Pet or basically any other book by Akwaeke Emezi. I’m really interested in how Freshwater protrays mental illness , identity and the protagonist develops separate selves within her as she moves from Nigeria to America for college. But it all in this magical realism/fantasy type of story. Pet is also magical realism/fantasy for somewhat of a younger audience centered around a black, transgender girl who meets a monster and all the adults around her are in denial of their existence.

If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo also has a transgender girl main character who deals with being new in high school and everything that comes with. Relationships, mental illness, conflicts around gender – it seems like a really honest book.

A book with more than 500 pages

The longest book I’ve read and enjoyed is apparently now the popular fanfic All The Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 with its 527k words. And while I do recommend it for all its glorious scenarios as the whole fanfic follows the Harry Potter Marauders through Hogwarts and until the end, giving you everything queer J. K. FUcking Rowling would never – don’t start reading it without having the next few days completely free. The platonic relationships and the different twist on Remus’ character and life all wrecked me.

Besides that, it’s The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson which is one of my favourite fantasy books of all time and also 1283 pages long. It’s a struggle of wanting to write reviews for all my fav books, but then also having too much to say about them and never getting to it. It’s just the best, although I always recommend Mistborn by Sanderson if you’re looking for an easier way into his work and not to dive into this epic fantasy chaos of greatness as it has as much of same brilliant elements in an easier to digest format and size.

A short story collection

Both The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories and The Hidden Girl and Other Stories by Ken Liu are supreme. Just the paper menagerie collection has stories about “The bookmaking habit of select species”, an AI utopia that you might actually want to live in, hujing; beings who are both fox and human, chinese calligraphy and deadly fear of communism / plain racism, being chinese in america, simulacrums; illusions of people stuck in time, aliens, Guan Yu the chinese god of war visiting America (American Gods vibes from that one, it was awesome). Also immense sacrifices and a few stories that willl make you sob inclung about unit 731 and the biological warfare and experimentation in China during WW2.

A book you want everyone to read

In general, the books that had the most impact on me heavily depends on the situation and context in which I read it. Not to mention my on-going struggle of finding a general recommendations list for people in my real life who ask. Because it’s always so much better to tailor them to their interest and like level of understanding of any given genre. For example the already mentioned A Woman in the Polar Night by Christiane Ritter I find myself automatically recommending, but I get that it will be a slow-paced and quite boring book if it doesn’t match with the person.

So I think the best answer is the poetry collection BRANCHES and the new release Grocery List Poems (when it comes out in june, I’ve yet to read it) by Rhiannon McGavin! The writing is easy to follow for those who “aren’t (yet) into poetry”, but I also think McGavin always brings really interesting takes and beautiful writing. She started out as a spoken word poet so a lot of her work is on youtube. I’ve followed her for years, but in general I find that among the younger poets those who already stands out in how clearly they follow their own, more unique path is the ones that grows the most. Of course, easiest way to get into poetry is to start out with someone that speaks about things you are interested in, which sounds obvious, but sometimes needs a reminder.

Yesika Salgado (with the collections Corazón, Tesoro and Hermosa) is another great recommendation for a poet to ‘start with’, but also in general really fantastic. I’ve been rereading the poetry collections and wanted to do a short post on them, but it’s taken a while because each is so powerful and filled with messages connected to its theme that I need to like take a breath in between them. I think my favourite is Tesoro as it’s about family, the women in Salgado’s life and survival.

I’m tagging: Shalini / Leslie / Haf / Kay / Emily / Acqua / Christina if you want to do the tag as well!

Procrastination Book Tag

I’ve done this tag over two periods of time; taking two exams some time ago and trying to catch up a week’s work in a couple days. Since it was the perfect time for this procrastination this book tag that was too good to pass on. I can vouch on how I procrastinated on finishing the tag as well, love/hate that 90% done feeling. Also the graphics of the questions were so cute.

The Rules …

  1. Thank the person who nominated you. 
  2. Give credit to the original creator of the tag (Kate @ Cover to Cover Book Blog). 
  3. Link back to the original post.
  4. Nominate other bloggers whose procrastination preferences you’d like to know! 
  5. You DO NOT have to wait for a nomination to do this tag! Nominations are optional.

Cue me searching up what epistolary means. (It’s a novel written as a series of documents according to wiki). Truth is I rarely like romances and I rarely like epistolary novels so I don’t have a favourite epistolary romance book. (One of the reasons I really disliked Illuminae tbh).

I have read a small part of the great & strange House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, which I think of as more of a horror novel, but has surprisingly also been categorized as a love story by the author – I didn’t get to that part. Definitely would like to continue it someday.

Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston (full review) is the cutest enemies to lovers story ever feautyring one gay royal and one bisexual son of the US president.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (full review) is about the fabolous, dramatic life of a fictional movie star that feels so real I was constantly wanting to google details on her. Also has f/f romance and queer characters.

The Selection by Kiera Cass (full review) is just a classical YA story with a prince looking for a future princess through a reality show of sorts, but it has enough essence to it to be interesting and a quick & fun read.

My twitter (@esoffee); mostly book-related stuff and cute animals, I think.

Do any of us truly like twitter? I thought I did and then corona happened and the answer was no. Follow Hank Green, I guess?? He’s a good one. And read his new book A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, it’s worth it.

Before book blog there was book tumblr and it’s still up & going. I would take so many more book photos if I didn’t get physical book so much more rarely now (all these photos are old).

Zero Sum Game by S. L. Huang (full review) truly surprised me as I knew it was about an anti-heroine going in, but didn’t anticipate the high level of action plot and bloodbath mixed with math references and unique superpowers. How can you both like and dislike a main character that much at the same time??

I mean – most of them? If we want to add a part of “but also sucked”; I started reading the twilight series very young as they came out, like definitely younger than nine years old, because I remember it was before the last book was published. I truly enjoyed reading the first books, but by the last one me & my friends was just reading it together and laughing at it. It’s dear memories even so.

Of the ones I truly enjoyed that still has too much brainspace even though I read them a long time ago is “The foxhole court” and the rest of the series by Nora Sakavic.

I have a list of Mermaid & Siren Book Recommendations, where I found out I truly enjoyed the process of focusing more on reading about a specific fantasy/mythology creature and should make more different ones, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Auto-Buy Authors was a good one that represents me & my fav authors.

Because the theme is bullet journaling this list of The Eleven Books I Never Seem to Finish (Part One) (and Part Two) fits perfectly as well. I think it’s awesome when people talk more about the books they struggle with going through as well, we’re not perfect and lose interest or concentration.

In the non-book-related sphere I really liked how to (not) do your first year at uni (physics major) turned out, even if it was truly a pain to write because the things I added here was things I was telling the new students arriving in real life as well, at the same time, and I wanted to get it as right and helpful as I could, while trying not to be preachy.

Any fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson, but especially “The Way of Kings”. I want to make a post of ‘here’s where to start with reading brandon sanderson’ included (not that you can’t find it online), but Mistborn is a good first book to start with as well. It got the epic-ness of multiple POV’s that Game of Thrones have, but in a more (not-medieval) sci-fi/fantasy and magical world and with a completely other feelings, but truly still brilliant.

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green is a sequel so I won’t say much about it, but the way multiple POV’s was used here really warmed my heart and soul, it was so good.

I truly love this trope of enemies to lovers, but I’ve only now started its own goodreads shelf so I can answer just this question quicker. The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic and Red, White & Royal Blue (review here) is to great ones.

I truly love great books with great friends, a strong focus on platonic relationships gets me over romantic ones every time. Books like that is I Think I Am in Friend Love with You by Yumi Sakugawa (my review), Wilder Girls by Rory Power (my review), The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic (yes again, but it’s the best complicated friendgroup), Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (my review). And not to forget The Secret History by Donna Tartt, the ultimate dark academia classic-loving friendgroup that goes too far and does bad shit together. Did make me look at manipulation in friendgroups in a different light afterwards, which is fun and terrifying.

Anyone who wants to is happily welcome to refer back to me and claim I tagged them, because I’ve procrastinated getting this done too long to take the extra step there. I think that fits (too much) with the theme.

Who Am I? | Book Tag

I saw Sara at Bibliophagist Reviews doing this tag a long time ago and it looked fun! Also I will be on a semi-hiatus for the next ten days because I’m at a cabin with little internet connection and we’ll see how many trips to the mainland it’s going to be, hopefully I’ll be able to post from some cafe there. Oh, did I forget to mention I’m on a tiny island?

If you were a book genre, what would it be?

Magical realism. Just the way I live my life and notice odd things, which might be a sign I spend too much time observing instead of interacting socially sometimes. Honestly, at this point I would completely go with anything magical happening without too many shocked moments. We need more deadpanned, not amazed protagonists in the magical realism and fantasy realm, haha. Also both me & magical realism have in common that daily life happens and then it’s thrown off balance by something unexpected, only mine are a bit less magical than wings sprouting from my back (looking at you “The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender”).

What villain from a book do you identify with the most?

I like so many of them. One part of me has a very dark humor and general view of things, but also I always object to their understanding of the world, so none of them I really identify with? If anyone have their answers to this, let me know.

What protagonist are you most similar to?

I hate this question, because I don’t have an answer. I feel like YA protagonists all looked like me physically, at least until recently, because I’ve accidentally got the default introverted bookish girl look with everything brown; hair, eyes, even the glasses I wear sometimes. Maybe I would’ve seen more personality similarities in protagonists if I didn’t (nearly) just read fantasy with kickass heroines that I’m afraid to compare myself to (I won’t put a dagger against anyone’s throat, hopefully). I have a very specific book recommendation of characters who’s in their own head and kind of whimsy, but also when any problem arise is there prepared to deal with the crisis, because that’s more me.

Which book did you connect with in the past that you no longer do?

I thought the answer was The Hunger Games until recently when I briefly revisited it and remembered the book, the un-twisted version separated from whatever the movie shit made it into, and found that it still held up better than anticipated. That said – Vampire Academy. Somehow I liked the characters in that series so much, but I bet I wouldn’t now.

What recent book read would you love to be a character in?

I most recently read Lab Girl by Anne Hope Jahren, who is this biologist that is also an incredible writer, and the look into her life and career made me even more excited about studying science. She went through a lot of hardships during her career, both financially and being underestimated as a woman, but how she described the situations highlighted her strong friendship to her work partner Bill Hagopian. It was all so interesting – the joy, the pain, the vulnerability, the lab and the plant facts.

How do your reading habits show off in your personality?

I’m an all of nothing type of person, definitely to a fault and trying to work on it when it matters. But it also means I won’t start a certain type of book (anyone that might be good, that is) when there’s anything of importance or deadlines to be done because I will be dragged into that book and either not put it down, or even worse, having the story stuck in my head all the time anyway.

What book taught you something about yourself?

I think most of them have, to be completely honest. Either the characters or the choices they make, or the difficult dilemmas they have to face. A book doesn’t need to have similiar characters to me for me to take some learning from them. I’m currently rereading Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, so I think that’s a good example of a book where the protagonist has been so isolated and distrustful of others, but then get away from that slowly.

If you want to do the tag, feel free to and please tag me so I can see your answers! ❤

The Mid Year Book Freak Out | Tag

I’ve read 46 book this year, out of a goal of 50 books. I knew I would pass it when I set it, but seeing as there were a couple months I barely read any books – and for the first time in forever a whole month where I didn’t read any books – I’m pretty happy the pace has gone up. And that the books have gotten better after a unlucky couple months at the start of the year.

Best Books You’ve Read So Far This Year:

I reread Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi after many years and it’s definitely holding up as an incredible piece of work, in my mind. The best new read is (Don’t You) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn! It’s so underrated and I nearly didn’t read it because it had been on my TBR for five years, but it had such a powerful story of facing reality and dealing with it or continuing making the easy decision of running from it. As a story it’s also on the line between fantasy, magical realism and dystopia in a way I haven’t seen before, set in a “paradise” where no one ever get sick or seem to die.

Best Sequels You’ve Read So Far This Year:

Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson was a four out of five stars. I reviewed the whole Legion trilogy! I find that I usually like sequels, I just haven’t read many this year. In this series the main character Stephen Leeds “hallucinates” different people with their own characteristics and specialized skills which help him be the genius he is, but he’s also very aware that they’re not real. The way this is written becomes a bit repetitive, but otherwise the plot is still exciting.

New Releases You Haven’t Read But Want To:

I made a post of exciting book releases for the summer of 2019. Wilder Girls by Rory Power is coming out the day I write this, and what I’ve gathered is that it’s a queer horror YA where people die from a mysterious infection – so that’s intriguing.

Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2019

I’ve both loved loved loved books (Six of Crows) & hated books (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy) by Leigh Bardugo, so I’m really interested to see what I’ll think of Ninth House, which is set to be released in October.

Biggest Disappointments:

I really didn’t like The Wicked King as a sequel to The Cruel Prince by Holly Black, which is strange because I feel like Black makes such amazing choices usually. I explain everything in the review, but Jude as a character felt off and it was like I could see outside influence of the popularity of fae books changing everything good about the first book. I’m even more angry as time goes past and probably would’ve given it a two out of five stars now.

Biggest Surprises:

I’ve talked about this short book, The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz, so much through the Pride Libary 2019 challenge. I never expected a romance between a robot and a AI techinican to be so wholesome and the book also portrays loneliness, or searching for something more I guess, in such a great way.

Favorite New Author:

Technically I’d never read anything by Richard Feynman before this and Six Easy Pieces showed why he’s considered the best teacher of physics, with introductory lectures shortened to fit 140 pages. I’m reading the sequel Six Not-So-Easy Pieces this summer.

Newest Fictional Crush:

My crush on Warner from Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi resurfaced with full force along with the reread. I really liked him already when he was an abused murderous military leader. It feels like cop-out and I would give another answer, but the only other option is someone from the friendgroup of If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio, but then I remember how annoying people reciting passages of old plays would be in real life, because they do it in literally every situation, and just noope.

Newest Favorite Characters:

Everyone on the Running With Lions by Julian Winters sports team, my favourite “trope” is friends becoming closer as if they were family through tough circumstances.

Books That Made You Cry:

(Don’t You) Forget About Me brought out some personal memories of being very lost, along with describing the hopeless situation of the main character so perfectly. Heartstopper by Alice Oseman for being so adorable.

Books That Made You Happy:

These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling and Heartstopper by Alice Oseman both showed queer people in relationships and living their life to the fullest, supporting each other. Branches by Rhiannon McGavin is her first published poetry collection and it’s been so exciting growing up watching her spoken word poetry on youtube and seeing how she’s grown into this incredible writer.

Best Book To Film Adaptation:

Hands down, Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman was the best film adaption this year and probably ever. Am I standing by that? Maybe not. But it was amazing to watch. So many details. I’m going to have to rewatch it to appreciate more what they managed to create.

Favorite Post You’ve Done This Year:

I really liked trying to compile a big TBR for all of 2019 because I frequently refer to it just to find out that I’m following it like maybe 40% of the time, by accident. I don’t think I have one specific post in mind as much as I like the format of the bi-weekly updates.

Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought This Year:

I made a whole post on how Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky is the most perfect book, both visually and the descriptions. So much talent and work went into this.

What Books Do You Need to Read By the End of the Year:

I don’t currently know how far I’m into 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami, as I left it behind on my Denmark trip, but you can trust me when I say it’s not far or any longer than the last time I mentioned it here.

I predict everyone who wants to have done this tag already, but feel free to tag me if you haven’t so I see it!

Spring Cleaning | Book Tag

I found this tag on Siobhan’s Novelties and decided to give it a go because of the good questions!

The struggle of getting started | a book or series you struggle to begin because of its size

It’s on my shelf and I’m excited for it as I’ve loved most of Sanderson’s other books, but Elantris is just so much thicker than other books I currently have, at over 600 pages. If it’s as good as I think I won’t be able to put it down either, and I’ve just not had large enough chunks of time to be distracted yet.

Cleaning out the closet | a book or series you want to unhaul

I just unhauled a lot of books by giving them to a friend. I think “All the crooked saints” is the only one left as I missed it. I really like Maggie Stiefvater as an author, but this book just wasn’t for me.

Opening windows and letting fresh air in | a book that was refreshing

The ones who walk away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin is the first thing I read from her, and a 32 page story at that. It really inspires reflection, but also was so (good kind of) simple in how it was told.

Washing out the sheets | a scene you wish you could rewrite

I just recently read The wicked deep by Shea Ernshaw and it started out so good and then the ending just didn’t live up in how it was rushed and characters suddenly changing, it would be so nice to be able rewrite the ending, perhaps give it longer time to play out, and just get that small annoyance out of my head.

Throwing out unnecessary knick-knacks | a book in a series you didn’t think was necessary

I’ve mostly blocked out the plot of this one. And its existance. Divergent had only one sequel, right?

Polishing doorknobs | a book that had a clean finish

The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid was this old movie-star from the 1950s giving interviews to a writer and her life was such a roller coaster and I absolutely loved the story, but also the ending. When you didn’t expect it, this book came with real comments and reflections on life in between the glam and fame.

Reaching to dust the fan | a book that tried too hard to relay a certain message

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell might be a weird choice, but I just felt (when I read it years ago) that the author was trying to hard. I don’t quite remember at what. Just that when I read I was born for this by Alice Oseman, I had the immediate feeling that Oseman’s book was suceeding in what Fangirl thought it was doing? Like giving a real alternative to how a fandom can work, in the context of a story and not in the obnoxious way the Fangirl’s main character felt to me

The tiring yet satisfying finish | a series that was tiring but satisfying to get through

Here’s a sad story. I read all the books in the Gone series by Michael Grant besides the last one not too long after they came out. It took me years to read the final one, the sixth book, before I finally did in 2016. I applauded myself for being finished, it was a relief. And then he published the seventh book in the series in 2017 and he’s still going. I’m never going to be able to finish this series. All the ones who read the original part of the YA series are grown up, making it a bit strange.

Anyone who wants to do the tag can consider themselves tagged by me, haha.

The Real Neat Blog Award

Tagged by Sara at Bibliophagist Reviews. You asked such great questions!!


  • Answer the seven questions posed to you
  • Gift 3 bloggers
  • Pose a further seven questions

What’s your favorite city to visit?

I haven’t travelled as much as I would like, especially not to bigger cities. I really did like travelling to Firenze/Florence in Italy, especially as we arrived before the full-on tourist season. It was just so much lovely to watch and the local people I lived with was great.

If someone gave you $50 and dropped you in a bookstore right now, what would you buy?

Alice Oseman’s Solitaire and Heartstopper volumes and other graphic novels, because I could honestly really need more of them in my life. I’ve would like to start Saga, Paper girls and Plastic

What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?

I’ve not read as many books as I would want to so far this year, and I complained in my progress of my 2019 TBR how many books have been a let down, but surprisingly the grand design is truly my fav, even if it might be a strange choice

What are some of your favorite book blogs?

Aaahhh I love asking this of others, but I also am destined to forget a lot of people. I’ll keep it to just a few good ones:

What’s your favorite thing to order at a coffee shop?

A chai latte if they serve it. I only recently got really into coffee, but I have a tendency to order espresso because I view it as the fastest and easiest way to get caffeine. An espresso macchiato is really good for that as well, with just a bit of milk.

Which book do you recommend most often?

To already book and fantasy lovers I recommend “The name of the wind” by Patrick Rothfuss a lot. To those who might want to get into fantasy, I often recommend “Mistborn” by Brandon Sanderson. Also I seem to recommend Mary Oliver’s poetry a lot and to everyone.

Which fictional character do you wish you could hang out with for a day?

I immediately thought of Kaz Brekker from Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo, probably because there’s a chance I would meet the whole crew, they seem to be able to get into a lot of trouble in one day and I also wouldn’t think I would be that upset having to leave after one day?

My questions:

  1. What’s the song you listened to most recently?
  2. An upcoming release you’re excited about
  3. A place you would want to travel to next
  4. Favourite mythological creature?
  5. At what point do you DNF a book? Is it a certain percentage through it?
  6. How many languages do you know and what would you learn next?
  7. Recommend me some of the book blogs you follow!

I tag….

The Sunshine Blogger Award (2)

Tagged by Beth Jones at The Books Are Everywhere, thank you! I really liked the questions you asked, especially about bookish group of friends and hobbies.


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog?

The questions

1. When do you read more, day or night?

I read more in the evening because I have to wake up super early during the week. But I prefer reading during the night, as I’m more of a night-owl forced to be up at 5 am with the morning birds, haha.

2. How many unread books do you own?

Ebooks and physical books in total I think I’ve got record many currently – around 25 books. Mostly because I’ve downloaded some free classics.

3. Which 2019 release are you super excited for?

These witches don’t burn by Isabel Sterling seems like it’s written for me based on the synopsis and that cover. It’s out 28. May.

4. Which authors are on your auto-buy list?

Patrick Rothfuss (haha), Brandon Sanderson (if I can keep up)

5. Which book do you hate/dislike and everyone loves?

I find that it’s quite a lot that I dislike personally, but I can also realize why others like them.

6. Name a book or series you’d love to see as a movie or TV show.

Everything leads to you by Nina LaCour is such a cute lesbian story that I would love to see played out on screen. It has a lot of drama, but also aesthetic elements as the protagonist is a set designer in LA.

7. How many books are too many in a series?

Depends on the kind of series. If it’s entertaining and maybe shorter and episodic books by a good author there can be ten books in a series. Too many YA books are trilogies that shouldn’t have been, though.

8. Name your favourite bookish group of friends.

The foxhole court by Nina Sakavic is a well-loved and hated book series. I want to read it a third time before making any reviews about it, because I love it, but I can definitely see why some wouldn’t. There’s this made up college sport called Exy, where a group of “misfits” are put on one team – the foxes. This book series should definitely also be adapted to a netflix tv series!

The beautiful fanart is by maldecorum!

9. Which book(s) do you have fond memories of?

Fresh off the vampire craze that was Twilight me and my bestfriend (around 10 years old) read Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan together, discussing it in depth – it’s 12 books and it was awesome. It got all the vampires and circus troop bonding/killing each other.

10. What’s your favourite bookish map?

Aesthetically, this map from Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore is one of my favourites.

11. Other than reading, what do you love to do?

Play the piano, but I’ve been really bad at doing it lately. Being in nature, in general, but especially by water. I really love swimming in the summer, as there’s no all-year indoor pool nearby. Love watching figure skating on tv, strangely enough!

I trained taekwondo for two years before it was impossible health-wise, and then never got to start up again because of schedule. I really loved to fight and learn to defend myself, it was really addicting and a great way to train, with a group of people I really liked. I started taekwondo because I moved, and could no longer take dance classes (which I’d done nearly my whole life), which I also loved, but was less good at. I wonder now, with moving next year to a bigger city – if I should take up taekwondo or dance classes again? I think I’m going to try both out, but most likely it will be taekwondo or another type of fighting style. I really like performing on stage dancing, but it’s just so hard not compare yourself to others (especially with those huge mirrors) and even though I took hiphop we were a group of girls that I was friendly with, but didn’t really connect with. It was so refreshing fighting and not having to think about looks, and the teacher immediately calling you out when you did something wrong, because you want to improve. That honest, but constructive feedback was really great. Also I’m just a better fighter than dancer, haha.

I nominate…

My questions

  1. A place you would want to travel to next
  2. Which authors are on your auto-buy list?
  3. What could a synopsis include that would immediately make you want to read a book?
  4. A stunning book cover
  5. At what point do you DNF books? Is it a certain percentage through it?
  6. Would you prefer to live in a big or small city?
  7. Favourite mythological creature?
  8. One of your goals for 2019
  9. How many languages do you know and what would you like to learn next?
  10. A book quote you like
  11. Recommend me some book blogs you follow!

I Should Have Read That | Book Tag

Thank you to Siobhan at Siobhan Novelties for tagging me! She mentioned Fahrenheit 451 as the classic book she wanted to read and I felt exactly like that last year when I picked it up – in short I got why it was a classic, but it was one of those types that no longer feel as original and revolutionary because I’ve read a bunch of books that likely has taken inspiration from it and then the ideas no longer feels that deep or impactful. I would definitely read it again though.


  1. Thank the person who tagged you, and link back to their post.
  2. Link to the creator’s blog.
    This was originally created by Beth from Books Nest.
  3. Answer the questions below.
  4. Tag 10 others to take part.
  5. ENJOY!

A book that a certain friend always tells you to read

I haven’t even watched the movie – I know, it’s bad.

A book that has been on your TBR forever, and yet you still haven’t picked it up

I don’t really know if I actually want to read “(Don’t you) forget about me by Kate Karyus Quinn anymore, but it’s been on my TBR so long that I now feel obliged to. It’s not got the best ratings 3.6, the blurb doesn’t excite me, I’ve read the first ten pages without much interest – I’m still hoping to have at least given it a fair try before the end of this year. If not I’m officially giving up.

A book in a series you have started, but haven’t gotten round to finishing

I really loved the original “Shatter me” series by Tahereh Mafi and because of the mixed and bad reviews of “Restore me” I keep putting off reading it myself.

A classic you have always liked the sound of, but never actually read

All of Virginia Woolf’s book (I’ve only read and loved A room of one’s own) and The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet

A book you see all over Instagram, but haven’t picked up yet

I’m not much on bookstagram. But going by the internet in general – Circe by Madeline Miller! I get strangely uncomfortable by this cover, but the moment I realized it was based on mythology and so well loved (or hyped) I wanted to read it. Authors and reviewers has posted about it everywhere it seems like.

I tag…

The Wanderlust Tag | Book Things

Thanks to The Inky Saga for tagging me! (I had to reupload this thing because something went wrong while scheduling and suddenly all the photos were replaced?? weird) (2nd edit: and then all the text disappeared… i swear, this site annoys me so much sometimes)

The Rules

  • Mention the creator of the tag and link back to original post
    [Alexandra @ Reading by Starlight]
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Answer the 10 questions below using any genre
  • Tag 5+ friends


The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender is such a strange and beautiful book, it’s magical realism and set in mostly a small town as far as I remember. I recommend it if you’re looking for an adventorous read, and don’t mind a bit of whimsy. It’s very much either love it or hate it among the reviews I’ve seen. I liked it a lot!


Of Poseidon by Anna Banks is the BEST mermaid/siren book series I’ve read. It’s pure entertainment and fun


Daughter of the pirate king by Tricia Levenseller is – you guessed it – a book about a pirate girl. And also the best pirate book that’s purely entertaining I’ve read recently as well.


Into the wild is based on a real story of a guy who leaves everything behind and goes into the wilderness in Alaska to live there. But first he takes a canoe down rivers into Mexico and it’s quite the trip. It’s the book for everyone who’s ever thought about handing in their regular lives – and a warning to maybe start out with a few shorter travel trips or hikes.


The golden compass, also known as Northern lights by Philip Pullman starts in Oxford before the protagonist Lyra goes on a huge journey to the mystical, magical north – especially Svalbard – to save her kidnapped friends.


Tomorrow, when the war began by John Marsden is the first of a series I read as a kid and really fell in love with. The action, the fact that there’s kids on a hiking trip in the middle of nowhere while their country is being taken over by enemy forces – leaving them as the few not captured and having to survive on their own. I hope it holds up well.


I’m not a big fan on westerns at all. Wake of vultures by Lila Bowenwas a book I only read because it promised me magic, and then I figured out the western aspect. But I liked it, despite it, haha. And it helped that it had the main protagonist it had, which were very different from all the men running around with the guns in every western movie.


It’s been so many years since I read a Rick Riordan book, but I remember liking The red pyramid and this series, with ancient egyptian mythology.


The darkest part of the forest by Holly Black is the perfect book for this! I’ve read too many elven books since, to the point where they’ve gone from my favourite creature to one which seems to be used by authors to avoid any good worldbuilding, but this really was the perfect book for a while.


I’ve really dug deep into books I’ve read years ago I feel like. The angel’s game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is magical realism and I don’t remember the whole plot – yay, maybe I should read it again soon then – but certain aspects have stuck with me so strongly and this book really held my interest with its mysteries the whole way through.

I tag…

Mystery Blogger Award | Book Things

Thanks to Lori at The Inky Saga for nominating me, give her some love!

What Is the Mystery Blogger Award?

It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma

The Rules

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me

  • I love summer, it makes everything better, I also love the ocean (probably obvious because of my weird url) and I live in a place where you can’t go in the ocean without freezing to death during all parts of the year, but in the summer there’s at least not ice on top of it which is a plus.
  • These lists of facts makes me really uncomfortable, honestly. I much prefer questions.
  • I can’t remember my neighbour-cat’s name, and it’s been told to me so many times through the years. I think she knows. But also she loves to stand outside my window when she’s bored, staring at me for up to ten minutes until I come out and pet her. She might be the only creature more happy than me to see the sun return to our village.

My Questions

Do you share your blog with people you know in your real life?

Hell no. The moment someone finds out about this, I’m out.

What are your ultimate blog goals?

Discussing books with people, honestly, because I love my real life friends, but none of them are readers. I’ve got like one reader friend and she’s rereading The Hobbit who knows how many times, no matter what other fantasy I try to throw at her. (Also free books are lovely)

Do you see yourself blogging when you’re 50?

Hah, no don’t think so. Do I see myself turning 50? Not at this pace. I’m 20 and haven’t had the best luck yet.

Who is your role model, fictional or otherwise?

I have a problem with finding role models, I can’t even do it for one essay. I look up to a lot of smart women in the past who has gone against every norm and done science without support until they achieved results.

Malala Yousafzai is one I look up to in many ways. The same for Mary Oliver, who just died. I realize that everyone are people with flaws, and I really like to pay attention to qualities or achievements of people that I would aspire to have instead.

What are some books do you think are underrated?

Most of them.

A time to dance by Padma Venkatraman was so much more than I expected and a very lovely, beautiful and inspiring story of a girl who has her leg amputated refinding what passion is and what spirituality and courage is, in trying to get back to dancing her traditional indian dance.

The library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins for starting as any fantasy story and turning into this really surreal, creepy one. Also questions of god, but in a completely different way. It got like Haruki Murakami surrealism, but with horror and supernatural elements.

BRANCHES by Rhiannon McGavin is a really lovely poetry collection that is being republished sometime this year, and I loved it and hope to write a review soon. I can recommend some of the poems that has been performed and are on youtube like Angel Coda which is about growing up in LA. I enjoy her youtube channel so much as well, have been watching it since I was like 15.

Bonus: You find out the world ends tomorrow; what do you do?

Try to stop it? If I’m not near the hero of a novel – there’s not much to do, is there? I would honestly go on with my life, a week would maybe give me enough time to like travel to somewhere I want with my family. I really like routine and if I didn’t have it the day before the world ends, I would just break down the entire time. Now, a zombie apocalypse on the other hand –

My questions

  1. Which book would you recommend people to read immediately?
  2. What’s the song you listened to most recently?
  3. Fav character trope?
  4. What’s a hobby of yours outside of reading?
  5. Recommend me some book blogs you follow!

I Nominate …

Elena at Hidden Gems – Dora at Swift Coffee – Chaz at Life of Chaz – Brooke at Stacks and Snacks – Bree at In Love and Words – Leslie at Books are the New Black – Luana at Inkstained Forest – Shannon at The Spellbound Librarian – Andy at Andy Winder – Siobhan at Siobhan’s Novelties

No pressure, but it would be fun to see your answers!